September 17, 2011 Occupy Wallstreet began in Zuccotti Park, linking with international movements that confronted neoliberal capitalism and its gross income inequality and financial exploitation of people and communities around the globe. As I visited Zuccotti Park and the Atrium, where many meetings were held, I was particularly interested in the dialogical processes that were evolving, and the emphases on horizontality and consensus.
Watkins, M. (2012). Shipwreck and revolution: The Occupy Movement from the perspective of James Hillman’s Work. In J. Shapiro, R. Partridge (Eds.), Occupy psyche:Jungian and archetypal perspectives on a movement. (pp. 37-45). Philadelphia, PA: Techné and Poiésis.
Watkins, M. (2012). Revolutionary leadership: From Paulo Freire to the Occupy Movement, Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, 4, 2.
Video presentation of the above 2012 article on leadership:
A talk given by Prof. Mary Watkins of Pacifica Graduate Institute, at the 2012 Conference, “Reimagining, Renewing, Reinventing Leadership.”