A Pedagogy for the White Nonpoor in the United States: Returning Stolen and Excess Wealth, Land, and Resources to the Common Good, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 2023.
Watkins, M. (3/5/23 draft). Wrestling with Hypocrisy, Racism, and Self-Interest: A Century of Quaker Complicity with Slavery (1657-1758). In forthcoming book, White Work: Following the Path of Anti-Racist Genealogy to Racial Reparations.
White Work: Reparative Genealogy and Ecological Restoration
part of the Living One series on reparations, Kerulos Center for Nonviolence

Individuation, Ancestral Reckoning, and Ecopsychosocial Repair
Psychosocial Wednesdays Series, hosted by Stefano Carpani