James Hillman
Photo courtesy of Ginette Paris

Paulo Freire
Photo courtesy, Centro de Referência Paulo Freire, Instituto Paulo Freire
I was referred to James Hillman’s writing in 1973 when I was 22, and attended his lectures at the Jung Institute the following year in Zurich. He warmly and generously welcomed young scholars working on issues of imagination, and I was fortunate to be part of creating the early history of what he called archetypal psychology. His friendship and work have been gifts in my life. I never met Paulo Freire, but his Paulo work opened the door to my beginning to understand and grapple with the psychic and communal impacts of colonialism. My life and work is touched by both Freire and Hillman.
Watkins, M. (2008). “Breaking the vessels'”: Archetypal psychology and the restoration of community, ecology, and culture.” In S. Marlan (ed), Archetypal psychologies: Reflections in honor of James Hillman edition (pp. 414-437). New Orleans, LA: Spring Books and Journals.
Watkins, M. (2012). Shipwreck and revolution: The Occupy Movement from the perspective of James Hillman’s Work. In J. Shapiro, R. Partridge (Eds.), Occupy psyche: Jungian and archetypal perspectives on a movement. (pp. 37-45). Philadelphia, PA: Techné and Poiésis.
Watkins, M. (2012). Revolutionary Leadership: From Paulo Freire to the Occupy Movement, Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology , 4, 2.
Watkins, M. (2014). Hillman and Freire: Intellectual accompaniment by two fathers. In J. Selig and C. F. Ghorayeb (eds.), A tribute to James Hillman: Reflections on a renegade psychologist. Carpinteria, CA: Mandorla Books.
Watkins, M. (2013). Hillman e Freire: Acompanhamento Intelectual por dois Pais. S. Labate (Trans.). Cuadernos Junguianos, 9, 65-85.